suffer from jet lag是什麼意思_suffer from jet lag的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_例句 - Bing Dictionary 必應詞典(Bing Dictionary),為您提供suffer from jet lag的釋義,用法,發音,音標,搭配,同義詞,反義詞和例句等在線英語服務。 ... Web Definition 1. 未能適應時差 航空 -... ... 可能偏離了原定的航行路線 may have strayed from its flight path 未能適應時差 suffer ...
Jet Lag - What it is, and Why Passengers Suffer from Jet ... - Air Travel Feeling tired and sluggish after your ten hour flight? It may not just be the dry, recycled cabin air that is making an impact. Or the lack of sleep. It could be your ...
What is jet lag? - No Jet Lag Definitions of all the aspects of jet lag from physical to mental to emotional. ... That is typical of the effects reported by flight crews suffering from jet lag. And that is ...
What causes jet lag? - No Jet Lag The main, but not the only cause of jet lag is crossing time zones. Usually going east is worse than going west. Children under three don't seem to suffer jet lag ...
Who gets jet lag? - No Jet Lag Who gets jet lag. Pilots, flight crew, passengers, children all suffer from jet lag.
Jet lag - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jet lag is a physiological condition, often occurring when humans travel from one time zone to ... Some people suffer from jet lag more than other people do.
Jet Lag Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, and Prevention - MedicineNet Get information about jet lag causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment. Learn how to ... Children can also suffer the same jet lag symptoms as adults.
Suffering From Jet Lag? Scientists Step Closer To Helping Body ... 2013年10月4日 - There's no escaping jet lag. Depending on where you're going, it either messes up your holiday (by making you a zombie on arrival at your ...
jet lag - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries jet lag - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words, real example ... I'm still suffering from jet lag after my trip to Australia.jet-lagged.
How to Avoid and Overcome Jet Lag - If you're in the process of planning a trip and you're worried about getting jet lag, I'll show you how you can completely avoid it. Suffering from jet lag right now?